Tag - Apache Zookeeper

Knowing and valuing Apache Kafka’s ISR (In-Sync Replicas)

To get more clarity about ISR in Apache Kafka, We should first carefully examine the replication process in the Kafka broker. In short, replication means having multiple copies of our data spread across multiple brokers. Maintaining the same copies of data in different brokers makes possible the high availability in case one or more brokers go down or are untraceable in a multi-node Kafka cluster to server the requests. Because of this reason, it is mandatory to mention how...


Resolve Apache Kafka starting issue installed on Single/Multi-node cluster

This short article explains how to resolve the error “ERROR Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)kafka.common.InconsistentClusterIdException:” when we start the Apache Kafka installed and configured on a multi-node cluster. You can read here the steps for setting up multi-node Apache Kafka cluster. Without integrating Apache Zookeeper, Kafka alone won’t be able to form the complete Kafka cluster. Because ZooKeeper handles the leadership election of Kafka brokers and manages service discovery as well as cluster topology. Also tracks when topics are...


Few intrinsic of Apache Zookeeper and their importance

As a bird’s eye view, Apache Zookeeper has been leveraged to get coordination services for managing distributed applications. Holds responsibility for providing configuration information, naming, synchronization, and group services over large clusters in distributed systems. To consider as an example, Apache Kafka uses Zookeeper for choosing their leader node for the topic partitions. Please click here if you want read on how to setup the multi-node Apache Zookeeper cluster on Ubuntu/Linux zNodes The key concept of the Zookeeper is the znode which can be acted...