Execute OLAP queries on high-dimensional, high-cardinality data sets with billions to trillions of rows in milliseconds without pre-defining or caching queries.
Build real-time analytics apps with constant performance that can handle 100–100,000 queries per second using a highly effective architecture that requires less infrastructure than other databases.
Druid’s native integration with Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis, which allows query-on-arrival at millions of events per second, low latency ingestion, and assured consistency, enables you to fully exploit the potential of streaming data.
Druid uses Scatter/Gather for high-speed queries, preloading data into RAM or local storage to avoid data movement and network latency
Configurable tiering with Quality of Service enables optimal price-performance ratio for mixed workloads, guarantees priority and avoids resource conflicts
Imported data is automatically columnarized, time-indexed, dictionary-encoded, bitmap-indexed, and type-compressed
Loosely coupled ingestion, query, and orchestration components combined with a deep storage layer enable easy and fast scale-up and scale-out
A connector-free integration with streaming platforms enables query-on-arrival, high scalability, low latency, and guaranteed consistency
Automated data services including continuous backup, automatic recovery, and multi-node replication ensure high availability and durability