Tag - stream processor

Unlocking the Power of Patterns in Event Stream Processing (ESP): The Critical Role of Apache Flink’s FlinkCEP Library

We call this an event when a button is pressed, a sensor detects a temperature change or a transaction flows through. An event is an action or state change that is important to an application. Event stream processing (ESP) refers to a method or technique to stream the data in real-time as it passes through a system. The main objective of  ESP is to focus on the key goal of taking action on the data as it arrives. This enables real-time analytics...


Apache Flink – A 4G Data Processing Engine

Analyzing streaming data in large-scale systems is becoming a focal point day by day to take accurate business decisions due to mushrooming of digital data generation sources around the globe including social media. Real-Time analytics are becoming more attractive due to possibilities of getting insights from the time-value of data (in other words, when data is in motion). Apache Flink, an open source highly innovative stream processor engine has been grounded which helps to take advantage of stream-based approaches. Besides...