E-commerce applications started hand shaking with customer service management (CRM) cloud.

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E-commerce applications started hand shaking with customer service management (CRM) cloud.

CRM can be defined as managing/handling the customers from all aspect of businesses. For example, if we have an issue with a newly purchased car then we rush to the dealer/seller to resolve it but we are redirected to a separate block to address the same. This block can be denoted as CRM department and are responsible to resolve all the customer issues. Here all the data will be persisted starting from complain details to resolve phase along with agent who has been assigned for it. As technology is advancing very fast, all the information are slowly moving to cloud. Various CRM companies have started accessing those data according to their specialization/domain and entertaining the customers by assigning their agent.

Ideally, the E-Commerce vendors are managing their own CRM group to address all the complaints/issues raised by their order placed user. But now a days, E-Commerce vendors sell various products starting from electronic items to books stationeries. Because of that, it’s becoming a bottleneck to them to address/entertain customers having fault, issue etc on purchased items. Various CRM companies have tied up with CRM cloud to expand their businesses via E-Commerce vendor. Prior to that, E-Commerce application should be integrated with CRM cloud. Once user finished the order placement steps in the E-Commerce application, all the product data flows to the CRM cloud. Product specific CRM companies access those data and provides service and support to the customers.

RightNow, now it’s a part of Oracle is a famous CRM Cloud service provider. Popular enterprise E-Commerce application like Bares and Nobles in USA is using RightNow CRM cloud to provide seamless support and services to their customers.

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