Importance of abandoned order statistics in E-Commerce portal

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Importance of abandoned order statistics in E-Commerce portal

Higher number of abandoned order in an e-commerce portal reflects the negative performance of the business. Ideally, after performing lots of investigations through social media information drilling and finding highest number of customers good reviews/ratings, online shopper adds the products to the shopping cart. But, if user/shoppers left the site before placing the order, the e-commerce vendor ends up with the revenue lose. 20 to 30% of abandoned orders per month seems to be accepted but if it increases exponentially, the e-commerce vendor has to analyze and take it very seriously to understand the reasons and subsequently upgrade/modify the e-commerce portal. However, E-Commerce portal has to be technically fit to store abandoned orders details in database as per configurable time period settings. Here are the few basic clause with remedies to reduce the number of abandoned orders:
1. Insecurity in the payment gateway can be improved by providing various famous payment gateways like VISA, Master Card etc with icons. Loyalty points are also another attractive option.
2. User registration steps should not be too long and it need to be integrated with social media where user can login to portal using his Facebook, LinkedIn, GooglePlus account.
3. User’s email id should be collected from the list of abandoned order so that a detail email can be sent politely to know the reason for not placing the order and to seek suggestions for improvement in the e-commerce portal.
4. Seasonal greetings emails, various discount offers, new product arrival in the e-commerce should be sent periodically so that those users can be motivated start placing orders.

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