Tag - sensors

Why Lambda Architecture in Big Data Processing

Due to the exponential growth of digitization, the entire globe is creating minimum 2.5 Quintilian 2500000000000 Million) bytes of data every day and that we can denote as Big Data. Data generation is happening from everywhere starting from social media sites, various sensors, satellite, purchase transaction, Mobile, GPS signals and much more. With the advancement of technology, there is no sign of slowing down of data generation, instead it will grow in massive volume. All the major organizations, retailers,...


Big Data Generation and its sources

Here are the sources where we can visualized how Big data is generating today and anticipate how the entire globe sink under Oceans of Data in near future due to exponential growth of digitization. Media Media and communications outlet (article, audio, video, emails, blogs, podcasts) Machine Data generated by computers and machines generally without human intervention (Server logs, phone calls, sensors, business process logs etc). Social Digital materials created by social media like Face book, LinkedIn etc (texts, photos, videos, tweet etc) Historical Data about our environment (weather, traffic,...