Tag - apache druid solutions

Real-time Analytics with Apache Druid

is database built for data in motion Sub-second queries at any scale Execute OLAP queries on high-dimensional, high-cardinality data sets with billions to trillions of rows in milliseconds without pre-defining or caching queries. Maximum concurrency at the cheapest cost Build real-time analytics apps with constant performance that can handle 100–100,000 queries per second using a highly effective architecture that requires less infrastructure than other databases. Real-time and historical insights Druid's native integration with Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis, which allows query-on-arrival at millions of events...


Data Engineering, Streaming & Cloud Solutions

The data tsunami The term Big Data is a buzzword now-a-days which has no specific formats and defies traditional storage systems. The data can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured and generated faster than ever. For example, information post over social media, video upload in YouTube etc. Machine generated data like data recorded from sensor and logs are also becoming part of big data having more magnitude then human generated data. Though Apache Hadoop is a popular framework for distributed storage and...