Data in Motion

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Data in Motion

Data in Motion

The information security strategy in today’s business world is important and critical. Information is nothing but data in various shape like flat file, audio, video files, multimedia etc.  The data always lays in three states.

Data in Rest

This state we can visualize when information or data stores in Databases (RDBMS), Hard disk, Pen drive, SD card in smart phone etc. Organizations are bound to have additional layers as defense to protect sensitive data from intruders in the event that the network is compromised.

Data in Use

Data in use is more vulnerable than data at rest because, by definition, it must be accessible to those who need it. Manipulating  MS Excel sheet, modifying an existing word file, reformatting an email etc. can be considered as data in use. Of course, the more people and devices that have access to the data, the greater the risk that it will end up in the wrong hands at some point.

Data in Motion

Data in motion can be described as a process of analyzing data on the fly without storing it. Some big data sources feed data unceasingly in real time.  Twitter streaming,  Continuous files transportation from location to users, from users to servers, and from servers to servers are the, Swipes debit/credit cards at point of sale in shopping mall during digital payment process are classic example of data in motion. Analyzing data when it is on motion is very challenging and highly demanding to adopt accurate business decisions in order to accelerate revenue generation. Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for big data processing when data is in motion.

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