Tag - Data Science

Vision & Mission

Honesty & Integrity Honesty and integrity are our guiding principles. We build trust by acting with integrity, and maintaining a high standard of ethical, honest, safe and transparent business practice in a fair working environment. Customer First We are oriented towards serving the client's needs, and measure customer-satisfaction levels in order to determine the success of their business. Commitment to Excellence We take it as our responsibility to ensure that we deliver prudent and superior quality products and services that align with our strategy and the needs of...


Site Map

[wp_sitemap_page only="page" display_title="false"] Irisidea is an innovative and research oriented software solution provider focusing on helping its clients achieve 3s; superior, speedy and smarter software delivery. Irisidea offers variety of B2C & B2B E-Commerce and Retail Solutions and a range of services for e-commerce frameworks, such as SalesForce Commerce (Demandware), Oracle Commerce (ATG) and Magento Platforms. Irisidea has particular expertise in delivering fully internationalized, multi-site, multi-brand systems for global organizations. Among Its other core offerings are: Mobile App Development for Android and...